Tag Archives: Typhoon Ampil

Typhoon Ampil Moves Quickly Away from Japan

Typhoon Ampil moved quickly away from Japan on Saturday.  At 5:00 p.m. EDT on Saturday the center of Typhoon Ampil was located at latitude 39.1°N and longitude 151.1°E which put the center about 620 miles (1000 km) east-northeast of Tokyo, Japan.  Ampil was moving toward the east-northeast at 24 m.p.h. (39 km/h).  The maximum sustained wind speed was 75 m.p.h. (120 km/h) and there were wind gusts to 90 m.p.h. (145 km/h).  The minimum surface pressure was 973 mb.

Typhoon Ampil weakened steadily as it moved quickly away from Japan on Saturday.  Ampil moved over water where the Sea Surface Temperatures were cooler.  In addition, the upper level westerly winds in the middle latitudes caused strong vertical wind shear.  The cooler water and wind shear caused Typhoon Ampil to weaken.  The circulation around the western side of Ampil’s circulation also pulled drier air into the southern and western parts of the typhoon.

Cooler water, strong vertical wind shear, and drier air affected the structure of Typhoon Ampil.  A large circular eye was still present at the center of Ampil’s circulation.  The eye was surrounded by a broken ring of thunderstorms and the strongest winds were occurring in that ring of storms.  Thunderstorms were still occurring in bands in the eastern and northern parts of Typhoon Ampil.  Bands in the southern and western parts of Ampil’s circulation consisted primarily of showers and lower clouds.

There was still a large circulation around Typhoon Ampil.  Winds to typhoon force extended out 25 miles (40 km) from the center of Ampil’s circulation.  Winds to tropical storm force extended out 165 miles (265 km) from the center of Typhoon Ampil.

Typhoon Ampil will move through an environment that will be unfavorable for intensification during the next 24 hours.  Ampil will move over water where the Sea Surface Temperatures are near 23°C.  It will move under the upper level westerly winds in the middle latitudes. Those westerly winds will cause strong vertical wind shear.  The cooler water and strong vertical wind shear will cause Typhoon Ampil to continue to weaken during the next 24 hours.  The cooler water and strong wind shear will also cause Ampil to make a transition to a strong extratropical cyclone during the next 48 hours.

The westerly winds in the middle latitudes will steer Typhoon Ampil toward the east-northeast during the next 24 hours.  On its anticipated track, Typhoon Ampil will move farther away from Japan.


Typhoon Ampil Passes East of Tokyo

Typhoon Ampil passed east of Tokyo on Friday morning.  At 11:00 a.m. EDT on Friday the center of Typhoon Ampil was located at latitude 35.4°N and longitude 142.5°E which put the center about 130 miles (210 km) east of Tokyo, Japan.  Ampil was moving toward the northeast at 14 m.p.h. (22 km/h).  The maximum sustained wind speed was 120 m.p.h. (195 km/h) and there were wind gusts to 150 m.p.h. (240 km/h).  The minimum surface pressure was 944 mb.

Typhoon Ampil was the equivalent of a major hurricane when it passed east of Tokyo on Friday morning.  Bands in the western part of Ampil’s circulation brought gusty winds and locally heavy rain to coastal parts of central Honshu.  The airport at Narita reported a sustained wind speed of 32 m.p.h. (52 km/h) and a wind gust of 52 m.p.h. (83 km/h).

A large circular eye was present at the center of Typhoon Ampil.  The eye was surrounded by a ring of thunderstorms and the strongest winds were occurring in that ring of storms.  Bands of showers and thunderstorms revolved around the core of Ampil’s circulation.  Storms near the core generated upper level divergence that pumped mass away from the typhoon.  The removal of mass in the upper levels of the atmosphere was almost in balance with the inflow of mass in the lower atmosphere.

The circulation around Typhoon Ampil was large. Winds to typhoon force extended out 50 miles (80 km) from the center of Ampil’s circulation.  Winds to tropical storm force extended out 150 miles (240 km) from the center of Typhoon Ampil.

The Hurricane Intensity Index (HII) for Typhoon Ampil was 22.1.  The Hurricane Size Index (HSI) was 17.0 and the Hurricane Wind Intensity Size Index (HWISI) was 39.1.  Typhoon Ampil was similar in intensity to Hurricane Delta when Delta hit Louisiana in 2020.  Ampil is larger than Delta was.

Typhoon Ampil will move through an environment that will become less favorable for intensification during the next 24 hours.  Ampil will move over water where the Sea Surface Temperatures are near 30°C.  It will move under the upper level westerly winds in the middle latitudes.  Those westerly winds will cause the vertical wind shear to increase.  The increase in vertical wind shear will cause Typhoon Ampil to start to weaken during the next 24 hours.

The westerly winds in the middle latitudes will steer Typhoon Ampil toward the east during the next 24 hours.  On its anticipated track, Typhoon Ampil will move away from Japan.

Typhoon Ampil Strengthens to Equivalent of a Major Hurricane

Typhoon Ampil strengthened to the equivalent of a major hurricane south of Tokyo on Thursday afternoon.  At 5:00 p.m. EDT on Thursday the center of Typhoon Ampil was located at latitude 33.0°N and longitude 140.9°E which put the center about 205 miles (330 km) south-southeast of Tokyo, Japan.  Ampil was moving toward the north at 12 m.p.h. (19 km/h).  The maximum sustained wind speed was 115 m.p.h. (185 km/h) and there were wind gusts to 145 m.p.h. (230 km/h).  The minimum surface pressure was 951 mb.

A large circular eye was present at the center of Typhoon Ampil.  The eye was surrounded by a ring of thunderstorms and the strongest winds were occurring in that ring of storms.  Bands of showers and thunderstorms revolved around the core of Ampil’s circulation.  Storms near the core generated upper level divergence that pumped mass away from the typhoon.  The removal of mass caused the surface pressure to decrease.

The circulation around Typhoon Ampil was large.  Winds to typhoon force extended out 50 miles (80 km) from the center of Ampil’s circulation.  Winds to tropical storm force extended out 180 miles (290 km) from the center of Typhoon Ampil.

The Hurricane Intensity Index (HII) for Typhoon Ampil was 20.6.  The Hurricane Size Index (HSI) was 17.1 and the Hurricane Wind Intensity Size Index (HWISI) was 37.7.  Typhoon Ampil was similar in intensity to Hurricane Delta when Delta hit Louisiana in 2020.  Ampil is bigger than Delta was.

Typhoon Ampil will move through an environment favorable for intensification during the next 12 hours.  Ampil will move over water where the Sea Surface Temperatures are near 30°C. It will move through an area where the upper level winds are weak and there will be little vertical wind shear.  Typhoon Ampil could continue to intensify during the next 12 hours.  Ampil Will move into an area where there are stronger westerly winds in the upper level within 24 hours.  Those stronger winds will cause the vertical wind shear to increase.  Typhoon Ampil will start to weaken when the wind shear increases.

Typhoon Ampil will move around the western side of a high pressure system over the Western North Pacific Ocean.  The high pressure system will steer Ampil toward the north during the next 12 hours.  On its anticipated track, Typhoon Ampil will be near the coast of central Honshu just to the southeast of Tokyo in 12 hours.  Ampil will start to move toward the east when it reaches the westerly winds in the upper levels.

Typhoon Ampil will bring strong winds and locally heavy rain to the coast of central Honshu south and east of Tokyo.  Strong winds will be capable of causing serious damage.  Heavy rain could cause flash floods in some locations.


Ampil Strengthens to a Typhoon South of Japan

Former Tropical Storm Ampil strengthened to a typhoon south of Japan on Wednesday morning.  At 11:00 a.m. EDT on Wednesday the center of Typhoon Ampil was located at latitude 28.0°N and longitude 141.1°E which put the center about 540 miles (870 km) south of Tokyo, Japan.  Ampil was moving toward the north-northeast at 9 m.p.h. (15 km/h).  The maximum sustained wind speed was 75 m.p.h. (120 km/h) and there were wind gusts to 90 m.p.h. (145 km/h).  The minimum surface pressure was 974 mb.

Former Tropical Storm Ampil strengthened to a typhoon south of Japan on Wednesday morning.  A small circular eye formed at the center of Typhoon Ampil’s circulation.  A ring of thunderstorms surrounded the eye and the strongest winds were occurring in that ring of storms.  Bands of showers and thunderstorms were revolving around the center of Typhoon Ampil.  Storms near the center generated upper level divergence that pumped mass away from the typhoon.

Winds to typhoon force extended out 45 miles (75 km) from the center of Ampil’s circulation.  Winds to tropical storm force extended out 185 miles (295 km) from the center of Typhoon Ampil.

Typhoon Ampil will move through an environment favorable for intensification during the next 24 hours.  Ampil will move over water where the Sea Surface Temperatures are near 30°C.  It will move through an area where the upper level winds are weak and there will be little vertical wind shear.  Typhoon Ampil will intensify during the next 24 hours.  Ampil could intensify rapidly at times.  Typhoon Ampil could strengthen to the equivalent of a major hurricane within 36 hours.

Typhoon Ampil will move around the western side of a high pressure system over the Western North Pacific Ocean.  The high pressure system will steer Ampil toward the north during the next 24 hours.  On its anticipated track, Typhoon Ampil will be near the coast of central Honshu in 48 hours.